Yearly Archives: 2012

Andropause – What You Should Know About Male Menopause If You’re Over Forty

Andropause is the name given to the male menopause and refers to the production of a hormone called androgen declining. This is not uncommon in advancing age but it is also associated with injuries and diseases that slow or stop

Posted in Mens Health

What Andropause Sufferers Should Know About Testosterone Boosters

If you are considering taking a testosterone booster, you really should understand what the function of testosterone is in the human body. This is a hormone that occurs naturally, and in males it is responsible for the regulation of reproductive

Posted in Mens Health

Averting Andropause – What to Look for When Seeking the Right Testosterone Booster for You

If you are suffering from andropause, one of the things you can do is to take a testosterone booster supplement. These supplements will not only provide you with increased muscle production and weight loss, but it will also help you

Posted in Mens Health

Male Menopause – What the Onset of Andropause Can Mean For Men Over Forty

When a person hears the word menopause, they will usually attribute the condition only to women. The truth of the matter is that there is a male menopause that men go through as testosterone levels in the body begin to

Posted in Mens Health

What Does Andropause and Declining Testosterone Levels Mean for Men Above Forty?

When a male’s testosterone levels begin to decrease during their life, they are often said to be going through andropause. This condition is considered to be similar to the experience that women go through when they are going through menopause

Posted in Mens Health

Male Enhancement – The Facts, the Fibs, and What Really Works

Male enhancement is big business – and why not? Much of a man’s self-identity is linked to how he performs in bed. If a man feels inadequate due to his size or performance, his self-esteem often suffers greatly as a

Posted in Mens Health

The Need-To-Know Men’s Health and Fitness Tips for The Summer

Summer is slowly approaching, is your body ready for the beach? If you do not have the six-pack stomach, broad shoulders and sexy arms that you have always dreamed about, it is time to get started. Now is the perfect

Posted in Mens Health

Andropause And The Male Menopause Myth

Despite popular opinion, it is not only the female of the species that suffers from the effects of changing hormones. Medical professionals are now noticing that men are reporting symptoms similar to those a woman experiences in menopause and perimenopause.

Posted in Mens Health

What Every Man Ought to Know About Androgen Deficiency

There has been much talk lately of “male menopause” or “andropause” in conjunction with androgen deficiency – particularly where older men are concerned. If you’ve heard anything about this, it may have caused you some concern. After all, you might

Posted in Mens Health

Andropause – An Exploration Into the Mid-Life Male Menopause Crisis

Almost everyone is familiar with the idea of menopause, the time at which menstruation ceases. Leading up to this biological occurrence, women may suffer from mood swings, changes in libido and sexual function, hot flashes and a wide range of

Posted in Mens Health